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Thursday 18 May 2023

Why Is Vision Therapy Important for Overall Wellness?


Vision therapy is a crucial aspect of maintaining overall wellness, as it plays a significant role in addressing various visual system issues. It is a non-surgical and customized treatment program designed to improve an individual's visual skills and abilities. The importance of vision therapy can be easily overlooked, but its benefits extend beyond just improving one's eyesight. This article will delve into the significance of vision therapy for overall wellness, the various visual skills it helps to develop, and the importance of finding a qualified developmental optometrist to guide the process. 

1. Understanding Vision Therapy 

Vision therapy is a personalized treatment program that addresses various issues affecting the visual system. It is essential for those experiencing vision problems that cannot be solved by simply wearing glasses or contact lenses. It uses a combination of in-office and at-home exercises to enhance an individual's visual skills and abilities. The therapy is designed to target specific visual problems, such as binocular vision dysfunction, strabismus, amblyopia, and various visual processing disorders. The goal of vision therapy is to improve functional vision, which is the ability to use both eyes efficiently and accurately. 

2. Importance of Vision Therapy for Overall Wellness 

One might wonder why vision therapy is crucial for overall wellness. The answer lies in the fact that our visual system plays a significant role in many daily tasks and activities. Here are some reasons why vision therapy is essential for overall wellness: 

a. Improved Academic Performance: Children with vision problems often struggle with reading, writing, and other school-related tasks. Vision therapy can help improve their visual skills, leading to better academic performance. 

b. Enhanced Athletic Performance: Vision therapy can improve an individual's hand-eye coordination, depth perception, and other visual skills that are crucial for sports and athletic performance. 

c. Reduced Eye Strain and Fatigue: Vision therapy can help alleviate eye strain and fatigue caused by extended computer use, leading to better productivity and reduced discomfort. 

d. Better Quality of Life: By addressing and resolving visual system issues, vision therapy can significantly improve an individual's quality of life. 

e. Vision Rehabilitation: Individuals who have suffered a traumatic brain injury or stroke may experience visual system issues. Vision therapy can help rehabilitate their visual skills and abilities, leading to a more independent and fulfilling life. 

3. Visual Skills Developed through Vision Therapy 

Vision therapy is designed to help develop and enhance various visual skills that are crucial for daily tasks and activities. Some of these visual skills include: 

a. Eye Tracking: The ability to move the eyes smoothly and accurately from one point to another. 

b. Eye Teaming: The ability to use both eyes together efficiently and accurately. 

c. Eye Focusing: The ability to change focus quickly and accurately from one distance to another. 

d. Depth Perception: The ability to accurately judge the distance and depth of objects in the environment. 

e. Visual Processing: The ability to interpret and make sense of the visual information received by the brain. 

f. Visual-Motor Integration: The ability to coordinate visual information with body movements, such as hand-eye coordination. 

g. Visual Memory: The ability to remember and recall visual information. 

By developing these visual skills, vision therapy can help improve an individual's functional vision, leading to a better quality of life. 

4. Finding a Qualified Developmental Optometrist 

The success of vision therapy largely depends on the guidance and expertise of a qualified developmental optometrist. A developmental optometrist specializes in evaluating and treating various visual system issues, making them the ideal professional to guide an individual through the vision therapy process. When looking for a developmental optometrist, consider the following:

 a. Training and Credentials: Ensure the optometrist has completed specialized training in vision therapy and holds the necessary credentials. 

b. Experience: Look for a developmental optometrist with extensive experience in providing vision therapy services. 

c. Customized Approach: A good developmental optometrist will create a personalized vision therapy program tailored to the individual's specific needs and goals. 

d. Support and Communication: Choose an optometrist who offers ongoing support and maintains open communication throughout the vision therapy process. 

By working with a qualified developmental optometrist, individuals can maximize the benefits of vision therapy and achieve lasting improvements in their visual skills and abilities. 


Vision therapy is an essential aspect of overall wellness, as it helps address various visual system issues that can impact daily tasks and activities. By improving functional vision and developing crucial visual skills, vision therapy can lead to better academic performance, enhanced athletic performance, reduced eye strain and fatigue, and improved quality of life. It is crucial to work with a qualified developmental optometrist to ensure the success of the vision therapy process. By understanding the importance of vision therapy and seeking the guidance of a knowledgeable professional, individuals can achieve lasting improvements in their visual skills and abilities, leading to a healthier and more fulfilling life.


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